Gjiyap | Quotes for Life
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Quotes for Life

10 Sep Quotes for Life

As part of our upbringing, all of us were privileged to hear those proverb, quotes and even words of wisdom – from the lowest most order of our hierarchy to the internationally renowned personality. I, personally, got benefitted from such words of wisdom from my family members, teachers, colleagues, and from some of the external events, have attended.

Here, I will share some of those, which were guiding star(s) of my corporate and personal life. These are not arranged in any order.

  1. No one can make you feel inferior (or) superior, without your consent
    • I use this quote (by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt) as reference in every working session and relate to the day’s topic. Not in literal meaning of inferior or superior, but more on probing one-self to think “who is responsible to motivate self?”.

  2. If you think you CAN or if you think you CAN NOT, you are Right
    • A famous quote by Henry Ford. This is an underlying principle for one’s own personal attitude and becomes a long-term personality trait. And this makes one responsible for their own action / decision and enforce not to regret, if the result is not in favor.

  3. No one washes a rental car
    • Very profound, but simple statement. And to know, that this is one of the key foundation principle of a corporate is an eye opener. This quote can be interpreted in multiple ways, depending on the situation, but in a nutshell, it makes ‘one is responsible for one-own-self’. And if you do not feel that way, then anything, which comes your way, will fade away, at some point of time.

  4. Be the carrier of their Career, Not the courier of their career
    • This one is self-made (with two decades of corporate life, one tend to get into this mode, knowingly or unknowingly!). Personally feel, this should be the tag line for every recruitment member. While, I understand the volume pressure in current sourcing world, we need to be clear on our role and at-the-least, this should be inculcated on mid-level lateral recruitments.

  5. I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do
    • This one by Helen Keller, again, teaches a life lesson. Most of us, especially in the corporate life – get into a situation, where we feel, the whole world is against us and/or everyone is taking advantage of you. But in real, that can never be the case. Provided, you are ready to take up the challenge and put your best effort to get the desired result, there will be many helping hands around you who will be there in the nick of the time to support you. Just believe in yourself and march ahead.

The world is indeed beautiful and all of us are equally competent and unique in our own way. Believe in self and live the life to the fullest potential.

Remember this: Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Today is Cash-in-Hand and Tomorrow is a Promissory Note.

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